Category: Child Grooming

Trump and the MAGA GOP – ‘Lessons in Bad Leadership

Karmi April 17, 2024 No Comments

I voted for Trump twice. Proved to lack any leadership ability – from the start to the end of his term. Great businessman, but terrible leader. Was going for Ted


Far-left Democrat Michael Rapaport criticizes Democrat Hollywood

Karmi March 1, 2024 No Comments

What did hypocrite Michael Rapaport think the Antisemitic Democratic Party’s platform was—and has been for all the years that he openly supported it?!? Like Barbra Streisand – Michael Rapaport has


Harvard University President gets caught *CHEATING* – blames “racial animus”

Karmi January 2, 2024 No Comments

A University President – in the United States of America – gets caught *CHEATING* and then *BLAMES* “racial animus” for forcing her to resign!?!?!?!?! Sorry, former Harvard President Claudine “Plagiariser”


X Notifications = X ‘working on improving our systems.

Karmi December 21, 2023 No Comments

If old Tweeter users don’t know what X is yet then they’ll probably miss this Blog & X post. 🙂👌 As for me, I am tired of adding “(formally known


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