A New Dawn: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) as 48th President?

Article Two of the United States Constitution provides that U.S. presidents must be at least 35 years old at the time of taking office – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is 35 years old (October 13, 1989). She would be 39 years old on inauguration day – 1/20/2029 (a Saturday). ‘Theodore Roosevelt, who, at age 42, succeeded to the office after the assassination of William McKinley‘ was the youngest at this point in American history.

GOP’s power base (MAGA)


Elon Musk posts Meme — Rachel Maddow cries

That Elon Musk meme post made Rachel Maddow cry:


Windows 11 24H2 – Laptops

See Windows 11 24H2 – and Recall post for more info on the 24H2 Update.

This 24H2 update was on my Dell XPS 13 9310 – purchased in October of 2021. Specs are:


We Understand your Pain

Don’t Cry, Cryo! 😂 Need a Break from Trump’s Term? Freeze Yourself for 4 Years!

Windows 11 24H2 – and Recall

Windows 11 24H2 installed on my ‘Rose’ test computer yesterday (10/19/2024). Specs are: Intel® i9-10900K CPU, ASUS Prime Z490M-PLUS MoBo, MSI GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER™ VENTUS XS OC GPU, and 32GB of memory.

Didn’t time it, but it is a *MAJOR* update and took time to download (Fiber internet) & install. Restart was required, and that also took time with several restarts during that process. Am seeing reports of an hour or more for the update – depending on computer’s age and your internet connection. Mine didn’t take an hour, but total time was over 30 minutes…maybe 40-45 minutes? It is a “full OS swap..”

What’s new in Windows 11, version 24H2:


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