Category: Antisemitism

Trump and the MAGA GOP – ‘Lessons in Bad Leadership

Karmi April 17, 2024 No Comments

I voted for Trump twice. Proved to lack any leadership ability – from the start to the end of his term. Great businessman, but terrible leader. Was going for Ted


Are Voters moving away from the Democratic Party?

Karmi March 29, 2024 No Comments

That chart is from the 2020 Florida Election Study Report, and seems to show how many Florida Democrats have been moving away from the Democratic Party—since around 1994, and apparently


Republican Party is Party of Women – Democratic Party is Party of Trans Women

Karmi March 16, 2024 No Comments

You’ve come a long way, Ladies, but the Democratic Party wants you to be subservient to men again. Walk into the female bathroom of your gym to find a Trans


Islam – Religion of Peace

Karmi March 11, 2024 No Comments

This was originally published on 7/4/2008 at an old blog. Original is HERE. Had been updated over the years… It was difficult to copy here – one reason was that


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