SteamOS GNU/Linux 2.0: “Build your own Steam Machine” – ‘Special *PURPOSE* Linuxes

(8/10/2021 – Some links had expired and were removed for this transfer, and some editing)

When you think of an operating system for gaming, Linux isn’t the first name that normal people think of. Beyond that, I know basically nothing about the Gaming Industry ‘n Games…well, I also know that Gamers have been a major driving force behind computer Technology growth for decades.

However, I have a Special *PURPOSE* Linuxes series going on right now, that is focused on showing the ‘Specialized’ OS options available wid Linux ‘n Linuxes, to Windows 10 & Windows 11 users. Here’s another ‘Specialized’ Linux OS that actual Gamers may be interested in – Build your own Steam Machine:

SteamOS has some positive aspects ‘n some negative aspects, but it appears to be an excellent put together package. Mainly for games, but includes a GNOME desktop.

SteamOS boots into the main gaming OS section, without needing a login password, but when the user moves to the SteamOS Desktop it starts wanting a password. Here’s the Desktop pic:

Like I said earlier, it is an excellent put together package. The two red highlighted areas allow the user to easily switch between the “Desktop mode” (on right)  and the actual Steam gaming section (on left).

It is an easy install tho…interesting ‘n well done installer! Download the, then just Unzip it to a blank, FAT32-formatted USB stick. Here’s the automated method:

It wants a large disk for installing to, in the hardware requirements:

I’ve seen requirements for 200GB to even 250GB disks.

It will do the entire installation process automatically, if you allow it to.

Oh, before I forget make sure you join Steam before trying to install the SteamOS! What a pain it was, doing the joining whilst installed already!?  😳

Follow the “Steam website” link, then select the “Join Steam” on bottom right. Not sure what the “Steam client” link does, but looked like it would’ve installed it to my WIN 10 Pro with that link.

It was easy and fast considering all that was being done automatically. Here’s the GNOME Desktop info:

I tried to change the GNOME DE to a Dash to Panel look, and then tried to install the cinnamon desktop, but neither worked for me. Windows 8 & Windows 10 & future Windows 11 Gamers probably know more about working with Steam than I do, and could’ve customized it all more than my failed attempts. Impressive Total gaming package, from installation to final results. What Is the Best OS For Gaming?

Will add this post to the Special *PURPOSE* Linuxes page.

LINUX IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES – you never know what you’re gonna get!

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