Tag: Antisemitism

Far-left Democrat Michael Rapaport criticizes Democrat Hollywood

Karmi March 1, 2024 No Comments

What did hypocrite Michael Rapaport think the Antisemitic Democratic Party’s platform was—and has been for all the years that he openly supported it?!? Like Barbra Streisand – Michael Rapaport has


Democratic Party – ‘Party of Nazis & Nazi Collaborators

Karmi November 21, 2023 No Comments

These two Democratic Party women have been spewing *HATE* for decades. ‘Without HATE the Democratic party would Collapse’ – Susan Sarandon & Barbra Streisand have made sure that their beloved


Barbra Streisand and *Her* Party of *HATE*

Karmi November 14, 2023 No Comments

Barbra Streisand has spewed her filth & *HATE* towards Conservative Americans for decades. Barbra Streisand has supported the Democratic party for decades. Because of her own hatred towards Conservative Americans,


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