Category: Transgender

Aidan Maese-Czeropski & ‘Men’ of the Democratic Party

Karmi December 16, 2023 No Comments

Keeps getting easier to understand why the Democratic party supports Child Grooming, Child Mutilation, Men in Women’s bath & shower rooms, Men in Women’s sports, etcetera etcetera etcetera. The ‘Educational


Russia women *ORDERED* to have ‘eight more children’ to replace War dead

Karmi November 29, 2023 No Comments

Whar’s all the Trans Women when needed? They can’t give birth to babies, but Putin can send them to the front lines as cannon fodder for now. Last September Russia


Barbra Streisand and *Her* Party of *HATE*

Karmi November 14, 2023 No Comments

Barbra Streisand has spewed her filth & *HATE* towards Conservative Americans for decades. Barbra Streisand has supported the Democratic party for decades. Because of her own hatred towards Conservative Americans,


Russian Military is a MESS – Lateral Redeployments, “Rusich” Neo-Nazis, Insubordination, MoD “deflecting blame,” etcetera etcetera

Karmi August 27, 2023 No Comments

I don’t believe anyone, who has paid attention, hasn’t noticed how Russia under Putin has become quite kindred to Germany under Hitler. In fact, there may actually be more Nazis


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