Tag: Democrats

Democratic Party: the party of Antisemitism, *HATE*, and Hoodwinkers

Karmi October 20, 2023 No Comments

Antisemitism: ‘hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group’ – Merriam-Webster. *HATE*: ‘Without HATE the Democratic party would Collapse’ – Karmi. Hoodwinkers: ‘Plural of hoodwinker.


“Donald The Orange Returns Triumphantly As Donald The White”

Karmi August 25, 2023 No Comments

Courtesy of The Babylon Bee – “Donald The Orange Returns Triumphantly As Donald The White” to destroy the Swamp Lord, The Swamp, and the entire evil Progressive ‘Deep State‘:


Gun Safety courses for American Schools & Mine Safety courses for Ukrainian Schools

Karmi August 14, 2023 No Comments

  Many American Public schools no longer focus on teaching The three Rs – said as “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic“. Public schools in America focus more on Sexually Grooming Children,


Tucker Carlson ‘Unplugged’ – with Devon Archer interview Tucker leaving MSM in Rearview mirror

Karmi August 2, 2023 No Comments

Fox News was clearly an ‘Anchor’ around Tucker’s neck! Recent interviews with Andrew Tate, Ice Cube, and now Ep. 12 Part 1. Devon Archer. MSM has to be green with


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