Tag: Blogging

Annual Archive: ‘Need a Monthly *DROPDOWN* Archive WordPress Plugin for Sidebar?’

Karmi December 4, 2022 No Comments

Apparently my Theme doesn’t offer a monthly or yearly dropdown Archive widget, just some that will require 4-Lines after 4-years or 48-Lines after 48-months. 😉 I had tried several plugins,


Fedora 37 Linux – Cinnamon SPIN: ‘Leader of the Pack!’

Karmi November 16, 2022 No Comments

Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon may be my favorite Linux OS, but I have no doubt that Fedora Linux is the ‘Leader of the Linux Pack‘. No one knows how many Linux


“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

Karmi November 13, 2022 No Comments

BBC News: Borodyanka was one of the places hardest hit by Russia’s bombardment of Ukraine in the immediate aftermath of the 24 February invasion.


WP Categories Widget: Customizing WordPress Themes w/ sidebar Dropdown menus

Karmi November 11, 2022 No Comments

I have recently started this Self-Hosted WordPress blog at Hostinger, and my longtime favorite Rowling theme just didn’t work right there. The Rowling theme works great on 3 WordPress.com blogs,


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