Tag: WordPress

Classic Block ­– replicates old Classic Editor ‘while inside the WordPress block editor

Karmi September 24, 2023 No Comments

The WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor drove humble me away from running my primary Blog at WordPress.com. ‘Following the launch of WordPress 5.0 in December 2018’, the WordPress Block Editor ‘was


Backup and Restore (Windows 7) – a utility for your Windows 10 or 11 PC

Karmi May 5, 2023 No Comments

This post is on how to do a full Backup and Restore of your Windows 10/11 PC, using a backup system image you created, and then restore that backup image


Annual Archive: ‘Need a Monthly *DROPDOWN* Archive WordPress Plugin for Sidebar?’

Karmi December 4, 2022 No Comments

Apparently my Theme doesn’t offer a monthly or yearly dropdown Archive widget, just some that will require 4-Lines after 4-years or 48-Lines after 48-months. 😉 I had tried several plugins,


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