Category: Twitter

Has Breitbart News become the American ‘Mouthpiece’ for Russia?

Karmi February 27, 2023 No Comments

Breitbart News Network has been a favorite news source of mine for years ‘n years so I’m not going to bash them too much here. Heck, they’re one of the


Putin also losing War’s “Information Space”

Karmi February 23, 2023 No Comments

The once feared Russian Military has been exposed as bully who whines ‘n cries when his intended victim punches him in the nose. Open Source research sites have quickly exposed


Using ChatGPT to create WordPress “Additional CSS” code to customize Blog’s “Appearance”

Karmi February 19, 2023 No Comments

If you haven’t tried ChatGPT yet then you are falling behind. If you have tried it then give it a second or even third try, and then fall behind if


Sophie Lloyd – ‘Trailblazer Redefining the Concept of “Bedroom Guitarist”‘

Karmi February 16, 2023 No Comments

I’m no musician, but it is easy to see that Sophie Lloyd can seriously play the guitar. I almost tried to fool any readers by putting up the following picture


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