Category: Telegram

Was Putin ‘Raised’ as a ‘Protege’ of Adolf Hitler?

Karmi September 16, 2023 No Comments

Putin’s NaziRussian irredentism is nothing new – in fact, irredentism is an M.O. of Russia, and has gone on for centuries. Putin’s lies prior to the ‘Special Military Operation’ (aka


Ukrainian Military Landed in Crimea – “Special Operation”

Karmi August 24, 2023 No Comments

Tucker Carlson’s 8/21/2023 Ep.18 interview of Colonel Douglas Macgregor was a history lesson on how to broadcast ‘Fake News’ as if it were actually factual. Meanwhile, Ukrainian flag raised over


Ukrainian flag raised over Robotyne – *HUGE* Win!

Karmi August 23, 2023 No Comments

Robotyne is just a small village, but a major win for the Ukrainian Counteroffensive. If you don’t understand what Open Source investigative research is about (like Tucker Carlson for an


Falling Ruble & “Mammoth’s Crap” T-54 Tanks: How are Russians doing?

Karmi August 12, 2023 No Comments

‘Russians Grow Desperate’ – thanks to Putin & his cronies – that’s how the Russians are doing. After the 2/24/2022 Russian reinvasion of Ukraine, the ruble plunged to around 130


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