Tag: War Crimes

What is a Russian ‘Meat Assault’?

Karmi December 20, 2023 No Comments

Hard to believe the Russian people haven’t already executed Putin and his cronies. Since the start of Putin’s 2022 reinvasion of Ukraine he has been taking away freedoms that the


Families Melted Together’ – Hamas *WIRED* Jewish families together & burned them Alive

Karmi December 16, 2023 No Comments

Gaza’s Palestinians must never be allowed to govern in Gaza again. They empowered Hamas, and are as much to blame for the destruction & death happening in Gaza now as


Hamas Fortified Tunnel Found Under Shifa Hospital

Karmi November 19, 2023 No Comments

Tunnel ‘accessed through a shaft discovered in a shed within the Shifa compound’ – 10 meters deep, then 5 meters + 50 meter long, and ends at a ‘blast-proof door.’


Hamas *BUSTED* @ Shifa Hospital’s MRI: Security cameras covered, MRI room w/ weapons, closet w/ weapons, parts area w/ Military Kit, Medical cabinet w/ weapons, etc

Karmi November 15, 2023 No Comments

Ever have an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)? Medicare allows me one every year, and I’ve never seen any weapons (Grenades & firearms like AK 47’s) around or behind the MRI


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