Category: ChatGPT

Basic HTML code for commenting on sites where it is not offered.

Karmi March 31, 2024 No Comments

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. I don’t comment on most sites I visit, but have some favorites that I visit every day, and comment on a couple of


Are Voters moving away from the Democratic Party?

Karmi March 29, 2024 No Comments

That chart is from the 2020 Florida Election Study Report, and seems to show how many Florida Democrats have been moving away from the Democratic Party—since around 1994, and apparently


X (formerly Twitter) Follow @username button on WordPress Sidebar

Karmi March 4, 2024 No Comments

Create an X Follow @username button on the WordPress Sidebar – this method is for Blogs that have Plugins. My Blog is self hosted at Hostinger so it has the


WordPress Additional CSS – using Bing AI and ‘Experimentation

Karmi February 25, 2024 No Comments

I’ve had this Multipurpose Blog Pro theme & its Multipurpose Blog Pro Child for almost 16 months now, and have tried to change the Quote Style blockquotes from text-align: center


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