Families Melted Together’ – Hamas *WIRED* Jewish families together & burned them Alive

Gaza’s Palestinians must never be allowed to govern in Gaza again. They empowered Hamas, and are as much to blame for the destruction & death happening in Gaza now as Hamas is.

Gaza should be turned into a Memorial – as a reminder of the Gaza Palestinians’ atrocities committed upon Israelis on October 7, 2023.

They were burned while tied together”: The gut-wrenching work of identifying victims of the Hamas attack

“I don’t know if we will be able to take DNA from these samples because they are very charred,” he said. “Some of the victims were not shot as no metal fragments were discovered in their bodies, but they were burned. It’s like a crematorium.”

He showed one example of two people whose bodies were discovered together in a burned-out safe room. “This is an adult with a child. The adult was hugging the child, and a metal wire might have been used to tie the two bodies together. They were burned like this,” Kugel told i24NEWS.

Many of the bodies have bullet wounds, some in their hands, as they were trying to protect themselves in their final seconds. There are also burnt babies and headless bodies. Some of the remains are in such mutilated condition that they may never be identified.

Gaza’s Palestinians are too be blamed for their own sufferings, and they must beg the Israelis for forgiveness.

Evidence on Display at Israel’s Forensic Pathology Center Confirms Hamas’ Atrocities

Christopher C. Cuomo does an excellent job at describing what he saw in the 47 minute video he was shown by the Israeli Consulate. Here it is on YouTube:



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