Nobara Linux 37 – ‘Keep an Eye on this Up & Coming Linux OS!’

Nobara Linux hasn’t been out very long (less than a year), but its “simple point-and-click user experience” keeps getting better! I first reviewed ‘Nobara Linux 36‘ at my Linux Newbie blog hub on 9/19/2022, and then ‘again‘ at my new self-hosted Karmi’s Musings & Tech blog on 11/7/2022.


Home (‘Hut’) exterior maintenance โ€“ Blogs & Blogging on ‘Standby’

Built my home (‘Hut‘) in 2009, with the help of a construction friend, and since costs were a concern back then I went wid T1-11 Plywood Siding. Construction jobs in America had disappeared after Obama became president, so I basically had to sell my bigger home ‘n property to pay off credit cards ‘n my truck, and move to Social Security earlier than planned.

New property ‘n home would be paid for in cash, since debt was no longer an option whilst on Social Security. Downsized my living space to 320 sq feet, but had a 600 sq foot roof area, and used the remaining 280 sq feet to park my boat or truck:


Small Dick Energy vs Daddy’s *BIG* Dick Energy

Greta Thunberg doesn’t know the difference between naturally occurring Global Warming (hint: Ice Ages coming then melting away) and the 3rd biggest hoax in human history, i.e., Man-made Global Warming (aka Anthropogenic global warming); however, Greta fully understands “Dick Energy.”


Winter in Ukraine = *ADVANTAGE* Ukraine – ‘so sorry li’l Vladi “Adolf” Putin!’

It has been obvious, since Russia invaded Ukraine on 2/24/2022, that Putin’s Russia had built their military for the murdering of Civilians…for the terrorizing & torture of Civilians…for controlling other & their own Populations…for the raping of Women, Children, and Babies…for Forcible Child Transfer (see Article II (e) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide).

Speaking of Russia’s “Forcible Child Transfer” actions: Kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany -During World War II, around 200,000 ethnic Polish children as well as an unspecified number of children of other ethnicities were abducted from their homes and forcibly transported to Nazi Germany for purposes of forced labour, medical experimentation, or Germanization.

Seems that Putin’s Russia has been using Hitler’s Nazi ‘Playbook‘ for decades now, huh. Now we can understand the meaning of their Z (“Zwastika“) military symbol:


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