Twitter Blue now allows 4,000 characters instead of 280 – no more ‘Sardine-Can’ Tweets!!! 😁

I forget when I first joined Twitter, but deleted that account when going wid the Twitter Blue subscription for my Karmi Tux @KarmiTux account not long ago. Have one other Twitter account that is used a little on an old WordPress blog I still have.

Was never much for tweeting, but ended up wid three Twitter accounts at one point because of the three blogs I was running. Will probably delete that second account at some point, since Karmi Tux @KarmiTux is now my primary Twitter account, and my primary blog is the self-hosted Karmi’s Musings & Tech (aka KM&T) blog.

Had signed up for Twitter Blue on 12/14/2022, because I liked what Elon Musk was doing wid it, and less than 2-months later he introduces the new 4,000 characters long-form Tweet.

\o/ β€˜Hippity hip Hoorahβ€˜ \o/


Putin’s ‘Putinism’ has become Putin’s ‘Pussyfootism’

Paper Bear‘ Putin accidentally exposed himself for what he truly is when he foolishly decided to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine. At the same time, he also exposed how incredibly incompetent & weak the entire Russian Military had become (a Treasonous act by any leader, IMHO).


Russian Polls of Draft (aka “Conscription” or “Universal Military Obligation”) aged Male Citizens

Russia has held more drafts, conscriptions, and partial mobilizations during last year than they had in the previous 10-years. Russia has claimed only a few thousand have been killed in “Putin’s War,” but a country doesn’t need so many drafts, conscriptions, and partial mobilizations – IN LESS THAN A YEAR – unless the death numbers are much higher…steadily much much higher.

The numbers keep rising, with the ‘number of Russian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000‘ mentioned a couple days ago. Those numbers don’t include the prisoners, deserters, and ‘Draft Dodgers


Should American Descendants of African Slaves pay a ‘Fortuitous’ Tax?

Anyone who actually knows the history of Slavery, and especially Slavery in Africa, would have to admit that the β€œ20 and odd” Angolans (“kidnapped by the Portuguese”) who arrived on August 20, 1619 in the ‘British colony of Virginia and are then bought by English colonists‘ were some of the most fortunate ‘indentured servants‘ (no slave laws at that time) in the history of Slavery, and Ditto on the – especially Slavery in Africa. Indentured servitude lasted longer than Slavery in Colonial America/United States ‘n was in use as late as 1917.

Fact is, the other 388,747 or so African slaves who arrived in North America were also some of the most fortunate slaves in the history of the Atlantic slave trade.


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