Tag: World News

Media & Investigative Links to Russia’s War on Ukraine

Karmi January 27, 2023 No Comments

Usually, I trust the Democrat’s mainstream media (MSM) puppets less than North Korea’s, Iran’s, China’s, and Russia’s Govt news agencies all put together. However, any news coming out of the


How to create a Vagina from your Penis in Four easy steps (NOTE: “Sensation is not guaranteed after vaginoplasty”)

Karmi January 25, 2023 No Comments

This post is for adult males seeking a Vaginoplasty. For male children, check wid Boston Children’s Hospital:


‘Trickle-down Tanks’ – Germany sending Leopard 2 Tanks & allows others to export them

Karmi January 24, 2023 No Comments

\o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/ – Ukraine is going to get the much needed Tanks it wanted! Ukraine will now be able to drive Russia out and return Ukraine to


GarageGate – White House & DoJ Cover-up Extraordinaire *AND* who is Kathy Chung?!

Karmi January 21, 2023 No Comments

What is Biden ‘n the DoJ (FBI?) trying to cover-up? The DoJ sent the FBI ‘n Democratic party’s MSM puppets to raid Trump’s home, but the White House & DoJ


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