Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon โ€“ Part 3: Booting the new Fat32 & Ext4 USB’s Porteus 5.0 installation

(NOTE: Am closing down my old Linux Newbie โ€“ since 1996 WordPress.com blog (is Private now), and am in the process of refreshing and moving some of the content over to my self-hosted KM&T (Karmiโ€™s Musings & Tech) blog here.)

This is Part 3 of this Porteus v5.0 series, and I am sorta gearing the series towards MS Windows users, but still mindful of interested Linux users. I have been using Porteus Linux since March of 2022, but have found it to be the most interesting Linux OS I have ever used (since 1996), and it has already become my favorite ‘Working‘ Linux OS. I had been using the Porteus 5.0rc3 until Porteus 5.0 was released on July 3rd, 2022. The 5.0 release candidate 3 was fine, but the Porteus 5.0 final release has been smoother ‘n snappier than 5.0rc3 was. Porteus’ Developers/Team have done an excellent job!

In Part 1 we covered creating a fat32 โ€˜Liveโ€˜ Porteus USB, and then using its GParted app to prep a Target drive.

In Part 2 we prepped a Target drive wid two partitions โ€“ a 360 MiB fat32 partition & an 114.26 GiB ext4 partition. Then we used the EFI, boot, and porteus folders โ€“ located on that fat32 โ€˜Liveโ€˜ Porteus USB to create the new Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon installation that had a fat32 ‘n an ext4 partition.

  • This was the best method I could come up w/ for any interested MS Windows users, who might not have access to apps for creating ext4 formatted partitions.


Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon โ€“ Part 2: Installation โ€“ Fat32 *PLUS* Ext4 or Fat32

  • (NOTE: Am closing down my old Linux Newbie โ€“ since 1996 WordPress.com blog (is Private now), and am in the process of refreshing and moving some of the content over to my self-hosted KM&T (Karmiโ€™s Musings & Tech) blog here.)

This series is mainly for potential Windows users. In Part 1 I mentioned two options for installing Porteus v5.0 onto a USB: 1) using a fat32 formatted partition. 2) using two partitions โ€“ a smaller fat32 formatted partition plus an ext4 formatted partition.

As most Windows users know, formatting a USB drive is limited to a size of just 32 GBs max when using fat32, which is why fat32 formatting is generally found on the smaller USBs.

In this ‘Refresh‘ of the original Part 2 in this Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon series, I am going to cover three Steps in creating various versions of the Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon OS โ€“ a ‘Live‘ version which will be used to create the other two versions (or Steps).

Porteus Linux works great on a 32 GB USB…heck, the updated Porteus-CINNAMON-v5.0-x86_64.iso I downloaded was just 359 MBs…1 MB smaller than the 360 MB one I got a few days before.

No *BLOAT* on Porteus Linux! I’ve recently tested it on a 16 GB USB w/ no problems ‘n plenty of room. I even formatted that 16 GB USB w/ Two Partitions โ€“ a fat32 plus ext4 partitions.


Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon โ€“ Part 1: Refresh of old Review

Am closing down my old Linux Newbie โ€“ since 1996 WordPress.com blog (is Private now), and am in the process of refreshing and moving some of the content over to my self-hosted KM&T (Karmi’s Musings & Tech) blog here.

Have been using Porteus Linux for about 16-months now, as a ‘Companion‘ OS to Win11 Pro, and as my main ‘Working‘ Linux OSโ€”I do a lot of testing on Linux OSes.

Refresh of old Review

Porteus-v5.0 is released!” โ€“ I’d been running Porteus 5.0rc3 Cinnamon since around 3/31/2022 and almost immediately placed it as my #1a Linux OSโ€”just ahead of now #1b Fedora Linux. I was very excited about the new release, and have been testing & using it for almost a year now. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘


‘We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children’ โ€“ Democratic party Activists

No secret that the Democratic party has been coming for Americaโ€™s innocent children for decades. With help from the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the Democratic party has been indoctrinating young students from kindergarten thru high school.

Need proof?

Math & Reading scores have been dropping for decades, as public schools focused on politically indoctrinating innocent students rather than teaching them actual skills for their futures.

The Democratic party doesnโ€™t care about children, minorities, or womenโ€”it only cares about gaining voters, or more chattel for its cause.

In recent years, the Democratic party has OPENLY moved to groom innocent children for sexual purposes, and to also gain more control over them as adults in the future.


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