List of Linux Security Flaws keeps Growing – ‘Use Linux as Your desktop/laptop OS?

Decades ago, Linux users used to brag about how secure the Linux OS was, and many of them continue that false narrative even today.

How anyone can interpret the term open-source as meaning secure is beyond me. That is akin to saying that ‘leaving your front door open on your home makes it more secure than closing that front door and locking it’.

Fact is, Linux is the least secure modern Desktop/laptop OS around, and Linux servers are Hackers first choice.

Vulnerabilities & Flaws in Linux


EU to Russia – ‘War in Ukraine is an “existential threat” to Europeans

Putin made the biggest mistake in Russian history by reinvading Ukraine. That is now his Legacy, but he keeps hoping that the Europeans and/or the Americans are going to help him save his Legacy—as in, one or both will just abandon Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

Putin had accidentally exposed Russia’s Military weaknesses to the entire Planet Earth, and Putin now hopes that the Europeans and America are going to stand idly by and give Russia the chance to rebuild their once renown Military Power!?

I don’t think so. 🤔 Why not allow Putin to compound his first “biggest mistake in Russian history” by making his second “biggest mistake in Russian history”? With such obviously *BIG* mistakes making going on, it wouldn’t seem to be possible for him to make a third one, but heck—who would’ve guessed back on 2/24/2022 that Ukraine was going to repel that Russian reinvasion and then force Russia into the defensive position.

Sorry, Vladimir “Adolf” Putin, but your Legacy is only going to get worse before you die…

Existential Threat


Why Russia can’t beat Ukraine – ‘Stupidity’ from Putin down…

First, they reinvaded Ukraine whilst winter was still going on. Second, they did so whilst believing Ukraine would surrender within a few days to a week. Third, Russian troops were sent in without winter clothing. Fourth, Russia’s communicating equipment either didn’t work, or its communications were easily tracked by the Ukrainians. Those four will do for starters…

That was back on 2/24/2022. Around 9/25/2023 this happened – ‘Air Regiment Leaders’ Killed as Drone Self-Destructs on Russian Airfield:

Russian officers were among casualties caused by a Ukrainian unmanned aerial device (UAV) that landed on a military airfield and exploded upon inspection, it has been reported.

After the Ukrainian drone had apparently landed “safely” on the runway, officers from Russia’s Air Force and its main intelligence service, the FSB, examined the device, RBC Ukraine reported on Monday.

When the delegation tried to examine the ‘trophy’ UAV, there was a detonation,” a Ukrainian source told RBC, which said “air regiment leaders” were among the casualties.

One cannot make this stuff up – ‘Stupidity*RULES* in the Russian military.


Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon – Part 6: Package Managers & Porteus Modules

This is the final part, Part 6, of the “Special July 2022 series” on the Porteus Linux page. The other parts are now – HERE. Had moved to this self-hosted KM&T blog last year, from the old Linux Newbie – Since 1996 blog, and have been transferring certain posts & info slowly to here. Requires some editing and moving the pics so it’s not the original ‘Flow’, and dated info can be confusing.

Have been ‘gearing‘ the series towards MS Windows users, but still mindful of interested Linux users. Most everyone in the modern world now uses 2-4 OSes daily…their PC’s & phones for starters.

Primary, Secondary & ‘Companion‘ OSes

I believe Porteus 5.0 Cinnamon is a perfect fit for many Windows 10 and/or Windows 11 users, as their secondary OS and/or a ‘Companion‘ OS alongside their primary Windows 10 and/or Windows 11 OS.


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