Category: Nobara Linux

Nobara Linux 39

Karmi January 1, 2024 No Comments

Nobara Linux was first released on 7/10/2022, obviously quite new, and it is being developed & maintained by Thomas Crider ‘GloriousEggroll’ – a “Software Maintenance Engineer @ Red Hat. Wine-Staging


Nobara Linux 37 – ‘Keep an Eye on this Up & Coming Linux OS!’

Karmi January 15, 2023 No Comments

Nobara Linux hasn’t been out very long (less than a year), but its “simple point-and-click user experience” keeps getting better! I first reviewed ‘Nobara Linux 36‘ at my Linux Newbie


Nobara Linux 36 – ‘New modified version of Fedora Linux’

Karmi November 7, 2022 No Comments

They offer three versions of Nobara: Official, GNOME, and KDE. I tested the the Nobara-36-KDE-2022-09-16.iso (at 4.83GBs) and the Nobara-36-Official-2022-09-16.iso (at 4.82GBs). Nobara is loaded wid gaming ‘n streaming ‘n


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