Aidan Maese-Czeropski & ‘Men’ of the Democratic Party

Keeps getting easier to understand why the Democratic party supports Child Grooming, Child Mutilation, Men in Women’s bath & shower rooms, Men in Women’s sports, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

The ‘Educational Arm’ of the Democratic party – consisting of the National Education Association (NEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), New York State United Teachers, The California Teachers Association, and other Progressive Teacher unions make sure students are taught the agenda of the Democratic party.

Here’s a recent example of Teachers ignoring the Three Rs (the “R’s” refer to, “Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic”) whilst enforcing the Democratic party agenda: Seattle high schooler FAILS quiz where he marked only women can get pregnant and that all men have penises

The student put that it is ‘true’ that only men have penises and only women can get pregnant on his ‘Understanding Gender vs. Sex’ quiz.

His mother claims the student failed the portion of the quiz as a result of his answers, which led her to speak out.

‘I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,’ she said.

Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room (GRAPHIC)

Leaked amateur pornography shows a congressional staffer having anal sex with an unknown man in the Senate hearing room, video obtained by the Daily Caller shows.

The alleged staffer can also be seen in a photo, naked on all fours, looking back at the camera on the table where Senators often sit to ask questions during a hearing. It appears to be unprotected sex.

From the Class room to the Senate hearing room…

Dem Senate Staffer Who Reportedly Filmed Gay Porn In Hearing Room Is Out Of A Job

Democratic Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin’s office said the staffer, who is reportedly Aidan Maese-Czeropski, does not work for him any more in a statement to Politico. Capitol Police are now investigating the incident that came to light after the Daily Caller obtained video of a staffer having anal sex in Senate room Hart 216.

Are you a male (BIOLOGICAL MALE) registered as a Democrat?


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