Tails – ‘Portable Operating System that Protects against Surveillance & Censorship’

Tails = The Amnesic Incognito Live System. It is a ‘security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at preserving privacy and anonymity.‘ If you’ve never tried Linux then Tails may be an easy way for you to test it.

On my KM&T‘ Blog ‘Hub page dropdown menu there is the Linux ‘Hub listed, and that link leads to my old Linux Newbie – since 1996 blog. Lots of handy Linux info there so I have made it a ‘Hub‘ to this new self-hosted KM&T blog. At that old Linux blog is a page located on the sidebar – Special *PURPOSE* Linuxes. There are some interesting ‘Specialty‘ Linuxes listed in the articles there.


Russia’s ‘Musical Chairs’ of Generals & its non-stop ‘Infighting’

I read one South African (a German living in SA), who supports Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, ignorantly claim that ‘Paper Bear‘ Putin is a “hands-off” military leader of this War he started. Nothing could be further from the facts. That’s akin to saying that Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin were “hands-off” military leaders. Totalitarians like Putin, Hitler & Stalin have their hands on ‘n in everything, and their Generals know/knew it.

Books will be written on ‘Paper Bear‘ Putin’s disastrous mistakes after mistakes leading up to his invasion of Ukraine, during the failed invasion, and post-invasion; however, I want to do a brief blog post on the early ‘n oftenMusical Chairs‘ of Putin’s Generals, and the incredible amount of ‘Infighting‘ amongst an assorted array of Kremlin officials, Ministry of Defence (MoD), milbloggers, state broadcasters, Wagner Group & Chechen forces (those last two are Neo-Nazi private military companies operating beyond Russia law that states private military contractors are illegal there).


Media & Investigative Links to Russia’s War on Ukraine

Usually, I trust the Democrat’s mainstream media (MSM) puppets less than North Korea’s, Iran’s, China’s, and Russia’s Govt news agencies all put together. However, any news coming out of the Kremlin now is absolutely not trustworthy, i.e., since their arses are being kicked by the Ukrainians the Kremlin doesn’t dare to tell the truth.


How to create a Vagina from your Penis in Four easy steps (NOTE: “Sensation is not guaranteed after vaginoplasty”)

This post is for adult males seeking a Vaginoplasty. For male children, check wid Boston Children’s Hospital:


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