Has Breitbart News become the American ‘Mouthpiece’ for Russia?

Breitbart News Network has been a favorite news source of mine for years ‘n years so I’m not going to bash them too much here. Heck, they’re one of the few American news outlets that are not owned by the Democratic party. They’re one of the few American news outlets not promoting the ‘Sexual Grooming‘ of children. They’re one of the few American news outlets not promoting Transsexual and/or Transgender butchery of children. They’re one of the few American news outlets not promoting the racist Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Unlike the Democratic party’s MSM ‘Puppets‘, Breitbart also does not promote the Democrats Totalitarian governing concepts like ESG, Woke, forcing citizens to take shots & wear masks, #MeToo, War on Energy Independence, War on Mother Nature, etcetera etcetera etcetera.


Redcore Linux 2301 – “very quick way to install” Gentoo Linux

Redcore Linuxis a distribution based on Gentoo Linux’ testing branch which uses a hardened profile by default‘. I’ve been trying to install Gentoo Linux, off ‘n on, for about 3-years, but am never able to make it to the graphical desktop. I can install Vanilla Arch Linux many different ways, but Gentoo Linux ‘n T2_SDE (T2 System Development Environment) are just beyond my ability.


Putin also losing War’s “Information Space”

The once feared Russian Military has been exposed as bully who whines ‘n cries when his intended victim punches him in the nose.

Open Source research sites have quickly exposed the Kremlin’s lies during their re-invasion of Ukraine, which has been disastrous for the Kremlin’s attempts at controlling the “Information Space“.


Georgia Special Grand Jury’s ‘Witch Hunt’

Georgia Special Grand Jury’s forewoman Emily ‘Giggles‘ Kohrs and The Wizard of Oz’s Wicked Witch of the West are *PERFECT* examples of what America’s Democratic party ‘n Progressive Democrats have become.

Witch Hunt:

A witch hunt is an attempt to blame or punish someone who has an unpopular view or takes an unpopular stance. A witch hunt involves searching out, harassing, defaming, and punishing someone because he is different. A witch hunt is more than an attempt to unfairly punish someone; it involves frightening people until they engage in mob behavior. The term witch-hunting has been in use since the 1600s in a literal sense; however, the term took on a figurative, idiomatic meaning in the early 20th century, primarily in reference to political ideas.


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