Islam – Religion of Peace

This was originally published on 7/4/2008 at an old blog. Original is HERE.

Had been updated over the years…

It was difficult to copy here – one reason was that I use Squoosh to reduce pic size, and not all the formatting came out the same.

Haven’t checked the links to see if they still work, but may try tomorrow. Some work – some don’t.

Many more humans have been brutally murdered in the name of Islam since 2008.



Afghan Women and the Return of the Taliban (July 29, 2010) :


Work-in-Progress: X (formerly Twitter) – Twitter – WordPress

Postings have slowed down since I am using X (formerly Twitter) more – so am adding ‘News Snippets’ posts that link to news articles.

Since Musk stole Twitter from the Progressives I have been enjoying it a lot more, and have an X subscription now. WordPress & X seem to ‘Fit’ together quite well, and I have been slowly moving in a direction with their ‘Flow’.

Still a Work-in-Progress, but am very excited about Musk’s vision of X – hence this new change/s… 👍🙂


This is from 12/12/2007. Haven’t gone thru it yet, but have noticed that some links no longer work, and may do something similar to the Abrahamic Religions page editing.

Still, this is very long, and some of the links are so broken that they now direct to totally irrelevant sites that are not remotely connected to original link. Am just not going to spend a lot of time fixing such links…possibly.

(NOTE: see Abrahamic Religions post for more info…)



Christianity is one of the three religions that are categorized under the term Abrahamic Religion, with Judaism and Islam being the other two. Christianity is the largest religion (ranked by adherents worldwide), Islam is the second largest, and Judaism is the twelfth largest. All three of these religions claim Abraham as a part of their sacred history. All three of these religions claim that their religious scriptures were “given to them by God.” All three of these religions, with a few exceptions, fall under religions that teach or practice Exclusivism (“Exclusive Principle”), e.g. that only their religion leads to “God and salvation.” With their common connection to Abraham, one might wonder why these Abrahamic Religions can’t get along with each other.


X (formerly Twitter) Follow @username button on WordPress Sidebar

Create an X Follow @username button on the WordPress Sidebar – this method is for Blogs that have Plugins. My Blog is self hosted at Hostinger so it has the needed Plugins option.

X/ Publish tool


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