Category: Telegram

Apple apparently Supports Russia’s Reinvasion of Ukraine

Karmi August 10, 2023 No Comments

Is Apple looking for another source of Slave Labor? Maybe the Chinese ain’t providing enough Uyghur slave labor to produce Apple products for Europe, and Apple is gambling on Russia


UUVs (Unmanned Underwater Vessels) for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet & Crimean Bridge

Karmi August 5, 2023 No Comments

Russia, and much of the World, still haven’t figured out what Ukraine’s ‘Counteroffensive’ is about. Most everyone was expecting the usual mad dash of Tanks & Infantry into and/or around


Putin tried to “freeze Europe” – ended up destroying Russian “National Treasure”

Karmi August 4, 2023 No Comments

‘Paper Bear’ Putin has to be dumber than President Joe Biden—which is almost impossible to be. Putin reinvaded Ukraine on 2/24/2022 thinking that Russia would capture Kyiv in a couple


Putin’s Military Command changes since start of reinvasion on Feb 24, 2022

Karmi May 1, 2023 No Comments

‘Paper Bear‘ Putin fancies himself as a great Military Expert – when in reality he is nothing more than a totalitarian Tyrant with lots of experience as a ‘Crooked Cop‘.


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