Category: Russia’s Invasion

Falling Ruble & “Mammoth’s Crap” T-54 Tanks: How are Russians doing?

Karmi August 12, 2023 No Comments

‘Russians Grow Desperate’ – thanks to Putin & his cronies – that’s how the Russians are doing. After the 2/24/2022 Russian reinvasion of Ukraine, the ruble plunged to around 130


Ukraine’s approach against Russia – Lingchi (“Death by a Thousand Cuts”)

Karmi August 11, 2023 No Comments

  Russia should’ve never reinvaded Ukraine—they know it now, after almost 18-months of incredible Russian losses. Dead: 252,200. Wounded: 756,600. Armored combat vehicles: 8,303. Tanks: 4278. Artillery: 5028. Aircraft: 315.


Apple apparently Supports Russia’s Reinvasion of Ukraine

Karmi August 10, 2023 No Comments

Is Apple looking for another source of Slave Labor? Maybe the Chinese ain’t providing enough Uyghur slave labor to produce Apple products for Europe, and Apple is gambling on Russia


UUVs (Unmanned Underwater Vessels) for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet & Crimean Bridge

Karmi August 5, 2023 No Comments

Russia, and much of the World, still haven’t figured out what Ukraine’s ‘Counteroffensive’ is about. Most everyone was expecting the usual mad dash of Tanks & Infantry into and/or around


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