The commander gave his verdict, and men moved in to deliver the punishment. Aisha’s brother-in-law held her down while her husband pulled out a knife. First he sliced off her ears. Then he started on her nose. Aisha passed out from the pain but awoke soon after, choking on her own blood. The men had left her on the mountainside to die.
Teenager was attacked by six Muslim males, on her way to a Christian school with three of her girlfriends. One managed to escape…the other two teenagers were also beheaded.
As the midwife slices off part of Sheelan’s genitals, the girl lets out a high-pitched wail heard throughout the neighborhood.
Zahida Perveen’s Muslim husband gouged out both of her eyes, cut off both of her ears, cut her nose off, and then cut out her tongue. (Note: She is alive.)
Nick Berg being beheaded.
Muslim holds up Nick Berg’s head.
Prepped for a Stoning
Stoning in progress, and final results.
Two Afghan Women before being shot by the Taliban.