‘WordPress.com vs Self-Hosted WordPress’ – OBT (‘On-the Blog Training’)

Not positive yet, but it’s ‘Feeling‘ like I am slowly moving away from both WordPress.com & the Linux Newbie – since 1996 blog!? Just purchased a Hostinger Self-Hosted plan on 10/27/2022 (for testing), and then purchased a 4-year Hostinger Self-Hosted plan & started the Karmi’s Musings & Tech blog on 11/2/2022. See Web Hosting Info β€˜n Ideas page for more info. It has been a fast ride to this point!


Madonna’s Karma may be more than she can handle…

Many suggest that Karma is ‘what goes around comes around‘ as if it is locally focused. However, even though a human is physically local here on Earth, that human is dealing wid more than just ‘Local‘ Karma, i.e., the human also becomes both a β€˜Transmitter’ to the Universe & a β€˜Receiver’ from it when Karma is involved. A human may only be sending out signals locally & Universally, but those returning signals from the Universe can be far from any human’s imagination. Certainly more than just ‘what goes around comes around‘.


Hello world! First post…

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing.

Thanks, will edit it.Testing…



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