Yan Petrovsky (AKA Voislav Torden) – Rusich Nazi War Criminal wants to go back to Russia

His Rusich Nazi War Criminal comrades are now whining to Russia ‘that they will not participate in any combat in Ukraine until Russia secured the release of Petrovsky. The group had been fighting on the Robotyne-Verbove line, defending the sector from the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive…

Sounds like maybe the Rusich Nazi War Criminals are just making empty ultimatums – since the Ukrainians just captured Robotyne and are all over Verbove. Maybe they are just looking for an excuse to flee from Ukraine before they all end up in front of a War Criminal court.

Why was Yan Petrovsky in Finland instead of fighting in Ukraine anyway?

The Rusich Nazis are connected to the Wagner Group of War Criminals, and Putin just murdered Yevgeny Prigozhin, so maybe they are mad at Russia for that—or think that they are all on Putin’s ‘Hit List’ now.

Sucks to be a Rusich Nazi War Criminal right now, huh. Here’s something interesting:

Finland detains Russian neo-Nazi ‘Rusich’ leader wanted for war crimes in Ukraine:

Rusich is believed to have been deployed in Kharkiv oblast, and the unit was the first on 12 April 2023 to post a horrific video, apparently showing the beheading of a Ukrainian prisoner of war. The caption said that “you’ll be surprised at how many such videos will gradually come to light”. It is not clear whether Rusich fighters or some other Wagner mercenaries were behind that specific atrocity, but worth noting that the Russian defence ministry and Kremlin undoubtedly knew whom they were sending to kill Ukrainians. Milchakov first gained notoriety in his native St Petersburg for beheading a puppy on video and calling on fellow neo-Nazis to kill down-and-outs. Back in 2022, Yevgeny Prigozhin undoubtedly had Kremlin and penitentiary service support when he travelled around prison colonies, recruiting multiple killers, rapists and other violent criminals to fight in Ukraine.

So, Nazi War Criminal Yan Petrovsky (AKA Voislav Torden) also did some recruiting for Wagner. Now he wants to go back to Russia because he is scared that the Ukrainians might sentence him to death for his War Crimes. Guess he fears the Ukrainians more than Putin.

Some quick links:

Dying to kill The Russian neo-Nazis fighting Vladimir Putin’s war to ‘denazify’ Ukraine:

Citing a report by Germany’s intelligence service, the newspaper Der Spiegel wrote in May that there are at least two far-right groups fighting on Russia’s side — the Russian Imperial Legion and the paramilitary group Rusich.

In the Donbas, Milchakov linked up with radical nationalist Yan Petrovsky (nicknamed “Veliky Slavyan” or “The Great Slav”), who he had met in St. Petersburg in 2011. Petrovsky — a Russian citizen who moved to Tønsberg, Norway in 2004 — had found himself in trouble with the law the year before: Norwegian police had raided the tattoo studio where he worked and found a cache of illegal weapons belonging to Vyacheslav Datsik, a Russian neo-Nazi who had broken out of a St. Petersburg psychiatric clinic and sought political asylum in Norway. (The Norwegian authorities rejected Datsik’s asylum claim and extradited him to Russia in 2011. Petrovsky was stripped of his permanent residency status in 2016 and also deported from Norway.)

Enemy of the State or its founding element? Yan Petrovsky, Russian nationalist accused of war crimes in Ukraine, was deported from Norway:

In October of 2016, the Norwegian government stripped Russian citizen Yan Petrovsky of his permanent residence. Petrovksy, a resident in Norway since 2004, is a radical nationalist who was suspected of links with neo-Nazi Viacheslav Datsik. As vice-commander of the “Rusich” task force, Petrovsky fought against Ukrainian troops on the territories of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s republics in 2014-2015. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General and the International Criminal Court (ICC) have been investigating “Rusich” fighters for alleged war crimes committed in Ukraine.

Finnish border officials use facial recognition software to nab Russian terrorism suspect:

A Russian citizen travelling under the name Voislav Torden was identified and apprehended by Finnish Border Guard personnel with the help of facial recognition technology.

The 36-year-old man has since been detained into custody by a Finnish court on suspicion of committing terrorism offences in Ukraine.

Finnish media reports have identified Torden as a leader of the Rusich group, which was designated a neo-Nazi paramilitary organisation by the Council of Europe in 2022.


Send his Nazi buttocks to Ukraine and make him pay for his War Crimes…


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