Buddhist Monks ‘Breaking Bad’

Mild-mannered high school Chemistry Teachers ain’t the only ones taking their ‘Ride Downhill‘ on a ‘Meth’d up Horse‘.

Buddhist monk arrested in Myanmar with more than four million methamphetamine pills

A Buddhist monk has been arrested in Myanmar after a grenade, ammunition and more than four million methamphetamine pills were found in his car and in his monastery.

Walt didn’t use hand grenades, he used a bag of ‘fulminate of mercury’ disguised as crystal meth. 😉

‘Merit-making’ on hold as monks fail drug tests leaving Buddhist temple empty

A Buddhist temple in central Thailand has been left without monks after all its holy men failed drug tests and were defrocked.

“The temple is now empty of monks and nearby villagers are concerned they cannot do any merit-making,” he said.

Merit-making involves worshippers donating food to monks as a good deed.

Mr Boonlert said more monks will be sent to the temple to allow villagers to practise their religious obligations.

Humans will be human…


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