Trump acts like a ‘Spoiled Child‘ – Not like a Leader!

Trump is a terrible leader, but a great “fighter,” so let’s make him our candidate—AGAIN—even tho he is probably more hated than Reagan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, GW Bush, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama (Bbbuuuuurrrrrr!), Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris ever were or is.

Like I have said, ‘Republicans chose the most hated man in America’, and it is not just the left that hates him. Many Republicans & Independents hate him.

Republicans chose the most hated man in America over a strong class of young candidates—some with great Leadership ability and experience. Sure, many DEMs & their MSM puppets would’ve hated anyone of them, but some DEMs, some REPS, and many Independents would’ve liked the eventual winner. ‘Any one but Trump’ – as some say.

Tonight Trump came outta the closet: Trump accuses Zelensky of refusing to strike a deal on war

Trump already had a grudge against Zelensky & Ukraine – he has been mad at Zelensky & Ukraine for not giving him Joe Biden’s head on a platter. Many people recognize that Trump is a serious grudge holder, since it has been that obvious, and this is what brought it outta the closet:

But the meeting is expected to be scrapped, according to US media, which reported Trump did not appreciate the interview Zelensky gave to The New Yorker magazine, in which the Ukrainian president said he believed the 78-year-old Republican “doesn’t really know how to stop the war.”

Like a spoiled child, Trump exploded and is apparently refusing to meet with Zelensky now. Trump has claimed that he could stop the Russia/Ukraine war in ‘24-hours’ – and anyone with a lick of sense would know that wasn’t going to happen. Anyone with a lick of sense would also realize that Trump was either lying or he didn’t have a clue how to stop that war…well, other than letting Russia come out the winner—both now and in the future.

Am going to sleep on this before—before thinking some more about what Trump did today…


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