WordPress Additional CSS – using Bing AI and ‘Experimentation

I’ve had this Multipurpose Blog Pro theme & its Multipurpose Blog Pro Child for almost 16 months now, and have tried to change the Quote Style blockquotes from text-align: center -to- text-align: left every since.

Love the theme—except for the blockquote issue, and also an issue with the Bulleted list not working right (bullets don’t show up on preview or final post, but do in the Classic Editor).

See previous post: Looks like a long ‘Break‘ has arrived… for more info.

Note the new script was created using Bing AI, then I edited the text color, changed background color as well, and rounded the corners of the background—using code from a previous ChatGPT created widget.

Today, I went into my Multipurpose Blog Pro theme using the WordPress Theme File Editor, and searched thru it for some info on blockquotes. Found this on lines 2150-2153:

border-left: none !important;
text-align: center !important;

It says not to edit the parent theme, and suggests using the WordPress Additional CSS section instead. Went to the Additional CSS section and added just lines 2150, 2152, and 2153 (left out line 2151’s border-left: none !important; code) to the previous script/code mentioned in the Looks like a long ‘Break‘ has arrived… post. Removed the “center” from the text-align: center !important; code and added “left” in its place – like this:

blockquote {
max-width: 550px;
text-align: justify;
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;
font-family: ‘Noto Sans’, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 26px;
color: #000000;
background: #f6f6f6;
border-radius: 5px;
text-align: left !important;

Here’s what blockquote looks like now:

Note the new script was created using Bing AI, and I edited the text color, and changed background color as well a rounding the corners of the background.

Today, I went into my Multipurpose Blog Pro theme using the WordPress Theme File Editor, and searched thru it for some info on blockquotes. Found this on lines 2150-2153:

border-left: none !important;
text-align: center !important;

It says not to edit the parent theme, and suggests using the WordPress Additional CSS section instead. Went to the Additional CSS section and added just lines 2150, 2152, and 2153 (left out line 2151’s border-left: none !important; code) to the previous script/code mentioned in the Looks like a long ‘Break‘ has arrived… post. Removed the “center” from the text-align: center !important; code and added “left” in its place – like this:

Finally – text-aligned left at last!  \o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/


The Bulleted list issue may be a mix of Classic Editor and the Multipurpose Blog Pro, but as a novice that is only guessing. Didn’t see anything about Bulleted list during the search of the theme with the Theme File Editor, and it is not that big of an issue for me—like the centered blockquote was.

Still, 🤔 I may ask Bing AI & ChatGPT to do a CSS script for a Bulleted list, just as an experiment…


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