Twitter Blue now allows 4,000 characters instead of 280 – no more ‘Sardine-Can’ Tweets!!! 😁

I forget when I first joined Twitter, but deleted that account when going wid the Twitter Blue subscription for my Karmi Tux @KarmiTux account not long ago. Have one other Twitter account that is used a little on an old WordPress blog I still have.

Was never much for tweeting, but ended up wid three Twitter accounts at one point because of the three blogs I was running. Will probably delete that second account at some point, since Karmi Tux @KarmiTux is now my primary Twitter account, and my primary blog is the self-hosted Karmi’s Musings & Tech (aka KM&T) blog.

Had signed up for Twitter Blue on 12/14/2022, because I liked what Elon Musk was doing wid it, and less than 2-months later he introduces the new 4,000 characters long-form Tweet.

\o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/

Yeah, I *LOVE* this new 4,000 characters long-form option – \o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/ – as it potentially opens up many other options, e.g., as a ‘Full Partner‘ wid my blogging endeavor/s. I paid a $107.57 intro price for the 48-months plan on the KM&T self-hosted blog, and it renews for another 48-months on 11/02/2026 @ $335.52 which works out to $6.99 a month. Twitter Blue is $8.00 a month, but worth the price, IMHO.

Basically, for about $15 a month I can do all the blogging ‘n tweeting that I want, plus the excitement of researching & entertaining myself & experimenting wid it all, e.g., recently joined Telegram ‘n added the WP Telegram (Auto Post and Notifications) & WP Telegram Widget and Join Link plugins to my KM&T blog. The Auto Post plugin will post a brief of any blog post to my Putin’s Unprovoked War channel (that link is to the preview-look @ that channel, but it looks totally different if you actually join Telegram). The Widget and Join plugin looks like this:

That’s the WP widget on my KM&T sidebar. If you are a member of Telegram then you avoid that dull preview-look and can add a desktop look to a web browser, plus there is a popup app ‘Thingie that you can add, which seems to work better, for me anyway. 😉 Have no clue about Telegram right now, other than I have avoided the ‘Chat‘ part of it (I think?!). May try some of the other social media ‘Stuff‘, if they offer WordPress Plugins, and if I can avoid the ‘Chat‘ parts. 🫢

4,000 characters Tweet

I probably learned more about Tweeting over the past 2-days than I had in the past 10-years++++. 😊 Apparently it is better to use “no more than 2 hashtags” in a tweet, but I’ve always used more ‘n will probably continue to do so, especially wid 4,000 characters to work wid. \o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/

I’ve always used a blog post’s title as a lede to what my post is going to be about…mainly. Did basically the same ‘Thang wid tweets, since they were limited to 140 characters before 2017, and then 280 characters after that. Never did like those tiny-form tweets, or actually, ‘Sardine-Can‘ tweets. Now, my tweets can include more of my blog post’s content, so they don’t have to actually visit the blog to gain more info on it. However, Elon Musk hasn’t crowded the viewing area wid a bunch of 4,000 characters Tweets by adding a “Show more” in the longer Tweets:

About 280 characters before the “Show more” in that Tweet…my first long-form Tweet used just 1,065 characters:

Before a yesterday, I didn’t know that there was a “Twitter Character Counter” available, since I saw no need for such when stuck on using the ‘Sardine-Can‘ tweet format. Apparently the Progressive ‘Sardine-Can‘ expert users used the “Counter” method, since they are whining about the new long-form tweets…for some reason. Here’s what one of them is using now:

😉 Personally, I don’t use a phone for blogging or tweeting, and probably don’t even talk on it for much more than a few minutes each month, on average.


The 4,000 characters is an excellent addition to Twitter!

Here are some links on what’s happening @ Twitter Blue:

  1. 1) About Twitter Blue
  2. 2) Twitter Blue how to
  3. 3) How to create a longer Tweet

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