Category: Telegram

What is a Russian ‘Meat Assault’?

Karmi December 20, 2023 No Comments

Hard to believe the Russian people haven’t already executed Putin and his cronies. Since the start of Putin’s 2022 reinvasion of Ukraine he has been taking away freedoms that the


Russian Invader – partying in September & whining about ‘F*cking Ukrainians’ in October

Karmi October 25, 2023 No Comments

These Russian Invaders are raping babies, children, and women. They are destroying hospitals, schools, apartment building, and homes. They are torturing and murdering innocent civilians. They are abducting Ukrainian children


Why Russia can’t beat Ukraine – ‘Stupidity’ from Putin down…

Karmi October 1, 2023 No Comments

First, they reinvaded Ukraine whilst winter was still going on. Second, they did so whilst believing Ukraine would surrender within a few days to a week. Third, Russian troops were


Any of these your Dad, Son, or Husband? ‘Russians leave dead to Rot…

Karmi September 20, 2023 No Comments

Putin doesn’t care about the Russian Citizens—just his own image and legacy. Russia’s losses: Personnel – dead 273,980 +520 & wounded 821,940. Armored combat vehicles 8868 +17. Tanks 4635 +7.


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